The following datasets are available for download for use in academic research only. The data must not be sold or used for commercial purposes.

If you use our data, please cite us:

author = {Pickup, D. and Sun, X. and Rosin, P. L. and Martin, R. R. and Cheng, Z. and Lian, Z. and Aono, M. and Ben Hamza, A. and Bronstein, A. and Bronstein, M. and Bu, S. and Castellani, U. and Cheng, S. and Garro, V. and Giachetti, A. and Godil, A. and Han, J. and Johan, H. and Lai, L. and Li, B. and Li, C. and Li, H. and Litman, R. and Liu, X. and Liu, Z. and Lu, Y. and Tatsuma, A. and Ye, J.},
title = {S{H}{R}{E}{C}'14 track: Shape Retrieval of Non-Rigid 3D Human Models},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th Eurographics workshop on 3D Object Retrieval},
series = {EG 3DOR'14},
year = {2014},
numpages = {10},
publisher = {Eurographics Association}

We have now introduced a training set, which was not used in the original SHREC'14 track.