CAF, the Cardiff Argumentation Forum, is open to anyone working or interested in argumentation and reasoning under uncertainty. CAF is intended mainly to provide an opportunity for PhD students and early researchers to present, discuss and get feedback on their recent work on argumentation. Participants will be invited to give brief presentations, followed by question sessions intended to stimulate discussions.
The event is organised by Federico Cerutti (School of Computer Science & Informatis at Cardiff University) and Francesca Toni (Department of Computing at Imperial College London).
For enquiries, please send an email to Federico Cerutti.
Directeur de Recherches in the Logic, Interaction, Language, and Computation Group of IRIT at Université Paul Sabatier
Professor of Artificial Intelligence and head of the Intelligent Systems Research Group in the University College London
Please submit a 1- or 2-pages extended abstract formatted using the guidelines at
Please complete your submission by 30th April 2016 via the submission website:
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